sillygirl27's Diaryland Diary


Think positve!

I am headed for Jacksonville today around 3. The hurricane is coming and I am not gonna stick around to see where it hits. I will be returning on Friday. I am scared of this one. I hate to admit it, but I am. In a sick kinda way, I almost wish something would happen to my house. I have insurance and that way I wouldn't have to worry about selling it. Isn't that sick?? Hmmmm, my mind is weird sometimes.

I talked with Sean and let him know this time what I was planning on doing. I think he is excited that I am coming. I am excited about seeing him again. He is just a really awesome guy. I know I say this alot, but its the truth. I think he has been a great "positive" influence on me. He seems to think that a relationship may never work because he thinks we a two "negatives" and that one of us needs to be positive. I told him last night that he makes me feel good about myself. POSITVE!! I will be researching apartments while in J-ville.

I am very excited!

7:48 am - Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2004


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