sillygirl27's Diaryland Diary


Letting Go is Hard.....

There comes in a time in everyone's life where you must let go. I don't own you and you don't own me. I said in the begining that I could get used to you being around and so did you. What happened to that? Did these feelings just vanish? Why is it that you think I am out to get you? I have never done nor said anything to give you that impression of me. Quit comparing me to her. I am not Lisa. Nor will I ever be Lisa. I know you still love her, but maybe you should let go. She has moved on and so should you. It should have been a red flag all those times you didn't call back, but I knew you just must have been busy. Well you told me otherwise yesterday. "lay off" those words hurt me more than you know. I am now laying off forever. I like you too much and that's the problem. I am not to fond of one way relationships. I have done nothing but try and make this work. I am holding on too tightly and I have been the one to get hurt.

9:04 am - Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2004


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