sillygirl27's Diaryland Diary


I'm a big girl too.....

Ok so yesterday was Memorial Day and Chris went to his brothers house for a cookout. I kinda wanted to go too, but I really wanted to go to World Market.

Well I'm glad I didn't go. Turns out it was just a bunch of his brothers buddy's over there and he said he just hung out with the kids. Seems his brothers friends like big girls but are afraid to be seen with them out in public. His brother then said something to Chris. Chris said he just ignored him, but I'm sure he was just being nice and didn't want to tell me what he said. I don't feel good enough for Chris. I'm not pretty or thin or the token girlfriend. I am me and that's all I know to be.

So I told him that what they talked about bugged me. I also told him that I hoped he wasn't embarrassed by me. I didn't think that he was, since we do everything together. Sometimes I try to stay behind him or in front of him around others, but he usually just brings me closer to him. I like that about him.

I am so thankful everyday that I have met him. I am truly the luckiest girl around. I love him so much!!

2:04 pm - Tuesday, May. 31, 2005


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