sillygirl27's Diaryland Diary


Whew....time out!

Wow life moves fast here.Today is the first day I have even thought about updating since my last entry. I have been very busy. Sean and I still talk everyday. He hooked me up with a friend of his, Chris. I didn't really have any expectations of him since I sort of thought it was a pity date. Sean-doesn't-want-to-date-me-so-he-gets-his-friend-to-sort-of-thing. We went and had a nice dinner and then said goodbye. Well 3 days later it was my birthday (happy birthday to me) so I asked him if he would like to catch dinner and a show, i.e. Chuck E. Cheese. He said yeah. Well that totally changed how I thought of him. Who in their right mind would go out with a single mom and her kid to CEC if they weren't dating??? Well apparantly him.

We had a great time and since that place is like a free babysitting service, we actually had a chance to talk and get to know each other. And over greasy nasty pizza to boot! He is very cool and then came back to the house for a while. Cait got a drum set and a guitar for x-mas so we drug that out and jammed a little. None of us can play a lick, but it sounded damn good!

So that Friday he stopped by for lunch and we just talked some more. I was leaving that night to go home to my dad's and he wanted to say bye. Well I decided not to go that night since the traffic was so bad with all the Super Bowl things going on. I invited him over that night and we had an awesome visit. I got sooo toasted. He finally kissed me. (He is extremely shy) OMG he is the best kisser!! I was sooo glad I decided not to leave until Saturday.

The visit at my dad's couldn't have been worse. I am really glad I moved. That town is so depressing and I hate it. Those people don't have a clue that there is life outside of there. Sad really.

So I left around 4 on Sunday, I wanted to make it home before the Super Bowl got over. I think I made it in 4 hours flat. My best time yet. I missed Chris. And I hadn't even know him a week. I'm telling ya, there is something very intriguing about him and I can't quite put my finger on it. But I like it. Monday I stayed home with Cait, she had been sick that weekend and I didn't want her going to school so we got some things done around here.

I really like Chris but he is getting out of a really bad, really long relationship and I don't think he is ready for another. I am. I have been single for almost 3 years. When he is around, things feel normal and right. I think he is awesome. He came by a couple more times this past week. I think he is trying to get things wrapped up at his house. I hope he comes by tonight, I would like to hang out with him.

Ok enough about the men....

I am getting some new furniture delivered tomorrow...a dining room table and chairs and a coffee table. I went and bought a new bed and mattress last night. I will get it next Saturday. Damn it is nice. I haven't had my own bed in so long I am gonna be in heaven! Its a cool bed too...Dark wood with leather padding on the headboard. Very cool.

Ok I am done rambling. Are you happy Joe? You know I love ya babe!

4:16 pm - Saturday, Feb. 12, 2005


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