sillygirl27's Diaryland Diary


I have nothing to hide from you

Why would anyone in their right mind set someone up with their best friend. As I mentioned in my last post, Sean set me up with Chris, whom I adore. Well, the jealousy has really set in now. Sean took it upon himself to tell Chris that I was seeing someone else. Which, by the way, isn't true. An old flame of mine did bring me flowers on Sunday night, but nothing happened. As a matter of fact I told him I was seeing someone and that I wasn't interested in being anything more than friend with him.

Chris came by on Valentines Day for dinner and of course asked who got me flowers. And me being the honest person that I am, told him the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I told him that Darvy brought me flowers, well really for my kid, and that he was just a friend. So Chris goes back and asks Sean who Darvy is and Sean busts off with, "Some guy she just met". LIAR! I met Darvy back in October and haven't been with him sexualy since November. And then Sean has the fucking balls to call me a liar, saying I didn't tell Chris the truth about me and Darvy.

Here's the thing with Sean, he tells me to leave him out of everything that has to do with me and Chris, yet he tells him things that aren't true. Of course Chris will believe him, they have been friend for over 20 yrs.

I guess I am going to have to talk with Chris and let him know that he and I aren't going to be anything if he continues to listen to every fucking lie that Sean feeds him.

Sean hates women. And he hates it when people are happy. And...he hates not having it his way. GROW UP YOU BASTARD.....THIS ISN'T FUCKING BURGER KING, YOU CAN'T HAVE IT YOUR WAY ALL THE TIME!

Great now I am all pissed off again....I have to get ready for work.

7:28 am - Thursday, Feb. 17, 2005


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