sillygirl27's Diaryland Diary


Sean....the gift that keeps on heartburn that is.

Have you ever met someone you cared so much about and they didn't accept it? Sean doesn't seem to think I am real. He thinks I am out to get Chris and that I am "a manipulative liar" and that I am "taking advantage of someone who is vulnerable with women and you are doing it knowingly"....WTF

Sean set me and Chris up, and I am so glad he did. We get along, never argue and just pretty much chill all the time. He is easy going, patient with my daughter and a real gentleman. I could go on and on about him.

I told Sean in the begining I would never do anything to hurt Chris. I know he is getting out of a really bad relationship. I suggested to Chris that he chill with getting into another one by just slowing things down a little with me. Just so he could have some time alone to think about things. He told me "I am not going anywhere. I am exactly where I want to be." What do I say to that??

Sean seems to think that Chris is only after some booty and said that that's all Chris wanted in the begining. Well things took an unexpected turn. We actually like each other for the people we are not just the sex. If he asked me to jump, I would ask how high and I know he would do the same. No person just out for booty comes over all the time, even if its just to hang out. We took a trip to St. Augustine this weekend. Just for the day. He went shopping with us, and for little girls clothes and drapes for my bedroom. He hung the drapes in my room too. So would someone just looking to score do those things?

Would he actaully enjoy time with my kid, or just push her aside? He reads to her, plays games with her, is helping her learn to tie her shoes. He makes sure she brushes her teeth before bed and washes her hands after touching anything. He puts her hair up when its in her face. He gives her medicine when she is not feeling well. He sits her down and tells her to listen to Mommy when she acts up. He tucks her in when he is here. He bought her a night light so she wouldn't be scared in the dark.

So would someone who is just out to get some booty do all those things when all he really has to do is come over at 11pm do his business and then leave???

No, he wouldn't. And HE doesn't.

12:29 am - Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2005


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