sillygirl27's Diaryland Diary


Three's a crowd

Everything is wonderful with Chris and me. I couldn't be happier. Sean on the other hand isn't. Turns out he had a plan for Chris and I, and is mad that Chris didn't "stick to the plan". "The plan" was to come here get a little action then stay friends, or so that's what Sean says. He also referrs to me as his ex-girlfriend and often uses the word "dated" when referring to what we once were. This is where I have to set him straight. Sean and I never dated. I was never his girlfriend. I wanted to be so bad, but he didn't want me as one. So he pawned me off on what he called his best friend. Yet he continues to call and want to come over here to "hang out". If Chris was his best friend likes Sean calls him, he wouldn't be trying to do this to Chris. He called me last Wednesday. He didn't go to work and wanted me to come over and have one last time with him. Then he said he also wanted to smoke so I said I would come over, but I was just coming as a friend and I wasn't going to have sex or do anything else with him, and I meant it. I miss having Sean as a friend. No matter what jackass thing he does, or asshole thing he says, he always makes me laugh in the end and I miss having him as a friend. I went over there and smoked one with him. That was it. We then walked outside and he basically said for me not to leave, but I insisted. I told him I am not doing that to Chris again. I love him too much to fuck something up now. He is an awesome person and I want him around for a while. So I left. He was pissed. At least I showed him I am not interested in him that way anymore. He said that was the last chance for being with him. I am so proud of myself that I didn't do anything. I don't think I could have lived with myself. I am very pleased with how it turned out. I wish we could just all be friends, but Sean's jealousy won't allow it. Oh well, that's not my problem.

7:55 am - Sunday, May. 01, 2005


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